About us

We’re a small farm located in northeastern Wisconsin, just 17 miles from Lake Michigan. We own 46 acres. Evergreens and tree paths have been planted around our fields to provide natural corridors for wildlife. When we first moved to the farm, one never saw a pheasant. Today we have pheasants, turkeys, three kinds of woodpeckers, chickadees, finches, and more. We’ve planted by hand literally hundreds of trees – evergreens, oaks (white, swamp, red), butternuts, black walnuts, chestnuts, mulberry, lilac, cherry, tamarack, and more. A very old orchard originally existed in the front yard. We’ve created another orchard behind the barn with heirloom apple trees, plums, peaches, and hazelnuts. And the old trees in the front yard have been grafted so their legacy can live on.

Basically we are trying to treat our land and our animals with a gentle hand.